A proactive CSR policy

A specialist in B2B data, we distribute economic, legal and financial information on 225 million entities in 230 countries and territories. Thanks to a combination of unique business expertise and new technologies (AI), we offer company managers and decision-makers innovative standard or customized solutions to meet their strategic challenges in knowing their third parties: marketing targeting and lead generation, inter-company credit management, Sapin II and due diligence, and the fight against fraud. We believe that the financial performance of companies can no longer be dissociated from their extra-financial performance. This strong trend gives meaning to our commitment both in terms of our business - building trust between economic players - and in terms of our ecosystem.


Our main areas of CSR action

Firstly, business ethics with all our stakeholders (via our code of conduct and ethics and our approach to responsible purchasing); working conditions and employee safety via the employment of young people and seniors, gender equality, professional integration of people with disabilities and access to training for all; reducing our environmental impact and carbon emissions (via responsible digital and sustainable mobility) and supporting the socio-economic development of the regions in which we operate.


Our CSR performance is among the top 25% of companies assessed by Ecovadis - May 2023



Ellisphere obtains an "advanced" score in its ESG Assessment conducted by Vigeo Eiris (V.E) - September 2021



Evaluation on the 10 principles of the SNCD's Responsible Development Charter - September 2021

"Every day, we work to strengthen trust and sustainable relationships between economic players. On the social front, we work to promote equality, social inclusion and diversity. We are also working to reduce the impact of our digital activities. This long-term work with all our stakeholders requires constant attention. This dynamic of progress is a formidable driving force to take concrete action for the common good."

Alexia Camard, CSR Manager

Alexia Camard

Our ecosystem of partners


Global Compact

The Global Compact is a United Nations initiative launched in 2000 to encourage socially responsible behaviour by companies around the world.


NAC/Corporate Mediation

The aim of the Responsible Supplier Relations Charter is to encourage companies and public organizations to adopt responsible purchasing practices with their suppliers.


Les Entreprises pour la Cité

A network of 200 companies invested in social innovation. The association accompanies its members on different themes.

The Privacy Protection Pact: RGPD label


The Privacy Protection - Pact is a professional label available to all companies wishing to demonstrate their commitment to the protection of personal data.

Transparency charter

Discover the Ellisphere Transparency Charter

Through its business activities, Ellisphere contributes to the sustainable development of the real economy and that of its customers and partners, based on two essential values: transparency and trust. Through its Transparency Charter, Ellisphere is committed to explaining how its score is calculated to all companies, whether or not they are customers.

In compliance with the scoring code of ethics, Ellisphere analyzes all new legal and official information (accounts, status of liens, etc.) that each entity sends to it.

They work with us

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