Part 1: The ad hoc mandate

It is not enough to be talented to succeed, one must also anticipate. Any manager must indeed prevent possible difficulties that his company could encounter, and thus avoid the cessation of payments. Among the various preventive procedures put in place by the legislator, the company director can call upon the " Mandat ad Hoc ". But under what conditions can he use it and what advantages can he get from it?


Anticipating the difficulties of your company means preserving its ecosystem by avoiding failure.

What are the preventive procedures available to the company director to settle his difficulties amicably? When these difficulties become insurmountable, the legislator has also provided for various curative measures allowing the recovery or the liquidation of the company. But then, what happens to a company in judicial liquidation? What are the effects of the liquidation on the company and the sanctions incurred by the director?

Let's start this first quiz with the preventive procedure of "Mandat ad hoc".


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Part Two: Conciliation

What are the preventive procedures available to the company director to settle his difficulties amicably? On the other hand, when these difficulties become insurmountable, what are the different curative measures allowing the recovery or the liquidation of the company? And then, what happens to a company in judicial liquidation? What are the effects of the liquidation on the company and the sanctions incurred by the manager?

In order to obtain a global vision of all the procedures, we invite you to discover through this second quiz, the conciliation procedure.


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Part Three: The Safeguard Procedure

We have previously studied the mandat ad hoc and the conciliation which are two preventive and not collective procedures. There is a third amicable procedure which impacts all the creditors (collective procedure). This is the safeguard procedure. But what are the conditions for opening this procedure? How does it work? And what are the consequences?

In order to obtain a global vision of all the procedures, we invite you to discover through this third quiz, the safeguard procedure.


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