Our commitments

Ellisphere, a responsible company

Through its CSR policy, Ellisphere contributes to the development of a sustainable and responsible economy by positioning itself as a genuine facilitator of growth and transparency.

Ellisphere integrates a CSR dimension into its human resources management policy.

Ellisphere, a socially responsible company and signatory of the Diversity Charter since 2009, has adopted a proactive HR policy, particularly with regard to diversity issues. Professional equality between women and men is one of the four main areas of this policy, along with the employment of juniors and seniors, access to training for all and the professional integration of people with disabilities.
Ellisphere has been publishing its F/H Professional Equality Index since 2019, in compliance with the relevant legislation - Article D.1142-5 of the French Labor Code, which defines the indicators to be taken into account.
In 2024, based on data from 2023, Ellisphere achieved a score of 87/100, as detailed below:
  • The gender pay gap = 37/40 points ;
  • Difference in annual increases = 20/20 points;
  • Gap in promotions = 15/15 points;
  • Increases on return from maternity leave = 15/15 points ;
  • The presence of women among the company's highest earners = 0/10 points.


Sylvain Morellet

''Our index is improving every year, a sign of the significant evolution of parity within the company. Following our actions in 2021, particularly in the area of pay, our professional equality index has gained a further 1 point, rising from 86 in 2021 to 87 in 2023. Even if our index places us well above the legal requirements, we need to make progress every year to improve it by working towards greater representation of women in management and by combating stereotypes".


Sylvain MORELLET, Ellisphere Human Resources Director.


Ellisphere contributes, in its own way, to promoting a society that respects its environment.

Our main environmental initiatives focus on sustainable mobility, digital responsibility, reducing energy consumption, the second life of our waste electrical and electronic equipment, and the recycling of our office waste.

CSR companies


CSR governance

Ellisphere's principles of responsibility, integrity and vigilance are intrinsically linked to its business ethics.

Our high standards of practice are reflected in our relations with our customers, suppliers and other partners. As a signatory of the CNA/Médiation des entreprises Responsible Supplier Relations Charter, we support the reciprocity of customer-supplier commitments through our Responsible Purchasing Charter.

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