June 12, 2023
PGE repayment: how to preserve cash?
While many companies have avoided bankruptcy, the time has now come for repayment of their PGEs. With inflation persisting, cash flow is under pressure for some companies...
May 23, 2023
Repaying EMPs: Can borrowers cope?
At a time when French companies are beginning to repay their EMP, the question arises as to their ability to meet their commitments.
April 25, 2023
Weak signals: valuable data for assessing business difficulties
Weak signals can provide crucial information for credit decision making, enabling the anticipation of defaults or...
March 21, 2023
The challenges of open banking for credit management
In this article, we discuss how companies can benefit from open banking to optimize their credit management and improve their cash flow.
February 21, 2023
Open Banking, a real opportunity?
The banking world is constantly evolving. Open Banking, which became mandatory for banks at the beginning of 2018, is one of the many innovations...
January 23, 2023
Data sharing, a way to efficiently improve the knowledge of its third parties
Optimize your operational and strategic management of BtoB risks by using collaborative data sharing to enrich the knowledge of your customers, suppliers...
January 10, 2023
One-stop shop for businesses, what's changing?
Set up on January 1, 2023, the Guichet unique des entreprises (GUE) is a service whose mission is to simplify the administrative formalities related to the creation, the...
December 8, 2022
Artificial intelligence, expert system and human analysis... How to combine these three elements in the credit decision?
In his analysis, the credit manager brings expertise and intuition; the expert system imitates human reasoning and the AI generates predictive statistical scores. How do you...
November 23, 2022
Weak signals of creditworthiness in the BtoB credit decision
Identify and anticipate a future event thanks to information called weak signals. Fragmented, isolated or ambiguous, the interest given to these weak signals is not...
October 4, 2022
The importance of quality data in credit decisions
Collecting, aggregating, unifying and controlling sources of information on companies is a time-consuming but necessary expertise to hold data...