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The study in brief!
2 312 260
Establishments (head offices and secondary establishments) referenced.
4 491 993
employees work in the Île-de-France region.
9 051
insolvencies recorded over a sliding 12-month period, down 24.2% on the previous year.
43 195
jobs threatened by business failures.
"In 2019, the Île-de-France region was heavily impacted by the yellow vest movement and strikes. In 2020, the Covid-19 epidemic is likely to have a heavy impact on businesses that are already heavily tested and weakened."
- Max Jammot, Head of the economic department at Ellipshere
First economic region in France
Île-de-France is the leading region in France in terms of the number of companies (21.6%) and the number of employees (34.9%). The region has a population of nearly 12.1 million, or 18.2% of the national total, and is a concentration of political power and economic strength.
An accident rate on the scale of the region
The Paris Region accounts for 23% of business failures and 31% of threatened jobs in France. The two departments most affected are Paris and Seine-Saint-Denis, which together account for 50% of business failures and 59% of jobs at risk in the region.
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